© Tommi Tuomi
Oili Tanninen
Oili Tanninen (1933-2024) was one of Finland’s most treasured creators of children’s literature. The celebrated and award-winning author and illustrator created over 20 children’s books.
Tanninen is well-known for her beloved Nunnu book series from the 1960’s and its playful use of words and illustration. An animated TV series was also created based on the books. Her works have been published in Finland, Japan, England, Croatia and Sweden. Her simple, yet bold illustrations in graphic colours make her artwork feel as fresh today as when the first books were published in the 1960’s.
Oili Tanninen lived abroad for 24 years due to her husband’s work. The family first moved to Moscow in 1958 where her husband Aarne Tanninen worked as a Moscow correspondent for the newspaper Uusi Suomi. In later years, her family lived in London and Washington.
“Illustrated in saturated shades of yellow, orange, and black with simple geometric shapes and line designs reminiscent of Marimekko textiles, this 1960s reissue from Finland possesses retro charm… Sweet and appealing… A visual delight.”
― Kirkus Reviews
“Midcentury illustrations accompany the new translation of the classic story by one of Finland’s most celebrated author-illustrators.”
― Publishers Weekly
Books by Oili Tanninen:
Miiru menee kalaan, 1961, Otava
Samovaari: Elämää Moskovassa, 1963, Otava
Nappi ja Neppari: satukirja/Button and Popper, 1964, Otava
Nunnu/ Nunnu, 1965, Otava
Nunnu lentää/Nunnu Flies, 1966, Otava
Nunnu putoaa /Nunnu Falls, 1969, Otava
Nunnu, yhteisnide/Nunnu bind-up, 2007, Otava
Hippu/ Hippu, 1967, Otava
Robotti Romulus, 1968, Otava
Papu ja Polla/Bobble and Pom Pom, 1970, Otava
Hissu ja kaverit, 1975, Otava
Hissu yksin kotona, 1975, Otava
Milli, 1976, Otava
Vahva suomalainen Auringonnouseman maassa, 1977, Otava
Täplä ja Piste, 1979, Otava
Pörisevä, 1983, Otava
Musti sirkuskoira, 1984, Otava
Pallo hukassa/ Lost Ball, 1985, Otava
Mini metsätonttu, 1987, Otava
Mini metsätontun tähtihetki, 1988, Otava
Kummamumma, 1991, Otava
Heppu ja oma koti/Heppu and the House, 1976 Kodansha, 2021 Otava
Miiru ja ilmapallo/ Misu and the Balloon, 1976 Kodansha, 2021 Otava
Hippu ja lumileikit/ Hippu and the Snowmouse, 1976 Kodansha, 2021 Otava
Pommo ja lintu/ Pommo and the Bird, 1976 Kodansha, 2021 Otava
Awards & nominations
Kieku Award for lifetime achievement in illustration
Finland State Literature Award
Anni Swan Medal
The Hans Christian Andersen Certificate of Honor
Rudolf Koivu Award
The Topelius Finnish Literature Award
The Hans Christian Andersen Certificate of Honor
The Hans Christian Andersen Certificate of Honor