In the West, a ruined city lies beneath the motorways, inhabited only by individuals who no longer adapt to the new social order. When an outsider arrives, the fate of one inhabitant is irrevocably changed.
Pnuk is a dystopia set in an alternative 1980s where the demolished houses of Turku make a surprising return to the cityscape. It is a story of punk rock, freedom, art, the slowly disappearing beauty amidst the ruins and the importance and significance of small things, even when society demands only productivity and achievement.
Year of publication
Original title
Page count
Original publisher
Asema Kustannus
Original language of publication
Tähtivaeltaja magazine
"Strongly melancholic in mood, Pnuk works like a dream. The story flows effortlessly and the cinematography is spot on time after time. The clear-lined illustrations beautifully depict both the architecture of the old city, the lush winter garden of the penthouse and the western metropolis ravaged by rising waters. The use of colours that differ from the blue-grey scale is judicious and controlled as a means of effect."
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