The Phantom

The Phantom was created by the legendary Lee Falk in 1936. The Phantom was the first comic featuring a masked superhero, and with it, Falk was able to successfully combine themes from epic poetry, fairy tales, and stories of chivalry. Together with the first artist, Ray Moore, The Phantom became very popular, both in the USA and the rest of the world.The Phantom has been adapted for television, film and video games.

The Phantom, a legend shrouded in mystery, drives fear into the hearts of even the most hardened criminals. With only his physical strength, skill with weapons and fearsome reputation to fight crime, The Phantom dedicated his life to the elimination of evil, vowing that his descendants would carry on the tradition. He is still, almost 90 years after his ”birth”, fighting evil where he finds it. He is truly a hero who cannot die. 

  • The first comic featuring a masked superhero
  • Created in 1936, celebrates 90 years in 2026
  • 4 Series have been developed since 1986
  • New tv series in development from Universal Content Productions
  • 60+ years of comics in Australia and Scandinavia

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