LAND OF SNOW AND ASHES nominated for the Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize

19 Oct 2020

We are sending our warmest congrats to author Petra Rautiainen for her very first literature prize nomination. In addition, the latest update on acquired rights includes a two-book deal to Denmark. 

This week we are cheering for Petra Rautiainen and LAND OF SNOW AND ASHES, one of the nominees for the 2020 Helsingin Sanomat Literature Prize for debut novelists. She is one of the ten nominees for the annual, prestigious prize. The winner will be announced on 19 November.

All nominees were asked three questions, including the reason why they write. Rautiainen’s reply:

“For me, writing is an important way to perceive and understand the world. I have dyslexia that has taught me a lot about dealing with flaws: I’m not afraid of mistakes, and I try to accept them both as part of life and as well as writing.”

In a recent review, Helsingin Sanomat complimented the debut as “a perfectly robust, intense thriller plot.

We are also thrilled to announce that Petra Rautiainen’s debut novel THE LAND OF SNOW AND ASHES, and her upcoming novel THE MEMORY OF OCEAN will be released in Denmark as Modtryk has acquired the Danish rights for both books in an auction.

“A unique setting and strong characters combined with a purposely hidden part of history – who could want for more in a novel? Petra Rautiainen has a compelling voice and writing style, and we’re excited to be able to share this promising authorship with the readers.” 

 – Nanna Rørdam Knudsen, Modtryk

LAND OF SNOW AND ASHES was an instant international success, the First Finnish debut novel with English language rights sold before its publication, and made headlines in both The Bookseller and Publishing Perspectives. It was also ranked as no. 5 on the bestselling list for August 2020.

Other acquired rights include Pushkin Press (UK & Australia), Suhrkamp (Germany), Marsilio Editori (Italy, 2 book deal), Meridiaan Uitgevers (The Netherlands, 2 book deal) and Gyldendal Norsk (Norway, 2 book deal).