Nelson Tigerpaw, Silkmonkey's Laughter and The Duck Who Was Afraid to Fly nominated for the Arvid Lydecken Prize

10 Dec 2019

More happy news this week as three books represented by R&B have been nominated for the 2020 Arvid Lydecken prize which is awarded to the best children’s book.

Nominees include Nelson Tigerpaw (Nelson Tigertass)  by Lena Frölander-Ulf, Silkmonkey’s Laughter (Silkesapans skratt) by Annika Sandelin and Linda Bondestam, and The Duck Who Was Afraid to Fly (Sorsa Aaltonen ja lentämisen oireet) by Veera Salmi and Matti Pikkujämsä. 

Arvid Lydecken jury:

“Nelson Tigerpaw (Nelson Tigertass) convinces in its story about prejudice, friendship and courage, as well as the absurdities  of the adult world.”

“Silkmonkey’s Laughter (Silkesapans skratt) is a beautiful, comforting and touching story of friendship and loss. The book helps to discuss grief with children.”

“The Duck Who Was Afraid to Fly (Sorsa Aaltonen ja lentämisen oireet) is a spot-on-metaphor of us humans and our inner restraints.”

The winner will be announced in January 2020.

We wish the best of luck to all our nominees!