Matti Pikkujämsä awarded Kaarina Helakisa Prize

09 Apr 2021

We are excited to announce that illustrator Matti Pikkujämsä has received this year’s Kaarina Helakisa prize.

The annual award is given to an exceptional children’s or young adult fiction’s book author or illustrator by the Otava Book Foundation. 

Here’s what the jury said:

“Illustrator Matti Pikkujämsä’s strong and unique image world has had a profound impact on the Finnish picture book and readers of all ages throughout the 21st century. Matti Pikkujämsä is a master at encapsulating his inner vision into visual form, into bold and expressive images. Each line and brushstroke is a pure expression that opens, supports and expands the message of the book he illustrates. Pikkujämsä’s illustrations always convey gentle humour and warm compassion.

[…]The illustrations convey joy, playfulness and humour. They have a sense of freedom, straightforwardness and liveliness.

[…]Pikkujämsä’s illustration makes the characters easily approachable and their feelings and needs recognizable and understandable. Even with difficult topis and uncomfortable emotions, Pikkujämsä draws the reader and viewer into the story by his insights. This is probably why his images appeal to so many people both children and adults. Pikkujämsä is an artisan of illustration in the finest sense of the word.

[…]No matter where one comes upon Matti Pikkujämsä’s illustrations, they have an exceptional ability to touch the viewer. His images gently invite the viewer in, they do not reject and limit but open up opportunities for communion and understanding. That’s why his images are so characteristic, so full of warmth, so lovable – and so very necessary in this current world situation.”

Matti Pikkujämsä is a celebrated illustrator who has been nominated for the Finlandia prize twice, and he was also honoured with the first Illustrator of the Year title in 2019. Over the years Matti Pikkujämsä has collaborated with several authors and illustrated books such as The Duck Who Was Afraid to Fly by Veera Salmi and Moments Before the World Changed by Jenni Pääskysaari.

The picture book The Duck Who Was Afraid to Fly has been nominated for several prizes including the 2020 Runeberg Junior Prize, the 2020 Arvid Lydecken Prize and the 2020 Nordic Council Children’s and Youth Literature Prize. 

Our warmest congrats to Matti Pikkujämsä!