In the fairytale world of Roundies, children learn to recognise and control emotions. Roundies is a study-based concept for Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in early childhood, developed by experts in psychology and pedagogy. This Roundies picture book collection with its colourful world, inspiring characters and story-based approach is a key element of the emotional education model. The books are created by the Roundies collective and published in Finland by Kustannus-Mäkelä.
Expertise in psychology and pedagogy
The emotional education model demonstrated by the book series is created by psychologists specialized in children’s social and emotional skills, Julia Pöyhönen and Heidi Livingston. Maija Hytti, Master of Education, is responsible for the pedagogical perspective.
Colourful and playful content to inspire children
The colourful world and the encouraging characters are created by illustrator Matias Teittinen and writer Anne-Maria Kuusela. Their story-based approach insightfully lowers the learning curve for children who get to meet sympathetic characters in the books. Mari Korkeamäki is the producer in this multi-professional team.
Built with passion, the Roundies picture book series consists of nine titles, each with their own important themes, published between 2017 and 2021. The books teach about self-esteem, building positive relationships, dealing with disappointment and the encouragement to try again. As picture books, these types of works play a key role in the SEL Curriculum programme for Early Childhood Education.
“Our mission is to help children develop strong social and emotional skills in the early years.” – The Roundies collective
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