Happy Wool Socks - An Alphabetic Journey into Moominvalley

Tiptoe into the wonderful world of the Moomins in cozy, knitted socks! This crafty sock book takes you on an alphabetical journey into Moominvalley, with familiar characters, places and letters to match!

The book includes 29 new Moomin-themed sock designs designed by Novita, using yarns from the Moomin x Novita collection. The socks are designed primarily for adult sizes, but with nifty tips, the socks can also be knitted for smaller feet. All models have clear instructions and photo illustrations. 

Tiptoe into the wonderful world of the Moomins in cozy, knitted socks! This crafty sock book takes you on an alphabetical journey into Moominvalley, with familiar characters, places and letters to match!

The book includes 29 new Moomin-themed sock designs designed by Novita, using yarns from the Moomin x Novita collection. The socks are designed primarily for adult sizes, but with nifty tips, the socks can also be knitted for smaller feet. All models have clear instructions and photo illustrations. 


  • Year of publication


  • Original title

    Onnelliset villasukat, Aakkosmatka Muumilaaksoon

  • Page count


  • Original publisher

    Otava Publishing

  • Rights sold


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