It All Changes After the Summer
Peetu was given the name Petra at birth, although Peetu has never been Petra, not the little girl mum remembers in any case.
On the first of September, Peetu turns 18 and goes for corrective surgery soon after that. Until then, all Peetu can do is wait. The waiting is made easier by going flying with dad. Flying in a glider, almost to the top of the sky. For ten flights, Peetu and dad share a lightness, where words flow easier and you can talk about anything.
Year of publication
Original title
Kesän jälkeen kaikki on toisin
Page count
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Bookstagrammer & book reviewer Julcsi in Bookland (@jayinbookland)
"I think my favourite part is the constant parallel drawn between flying and life. I think this book with its barely one hundred pages contains more wisdom than most of the young adult books I have ever read."
Heidi Viherjuuri/ blog
"The book feels like an honest account. Kolu has reached Peetu's feelings well."
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