The Inferno of Time

Somewhere in Reykjavík, a precious manuscript containing eleven Icelandic sagas is ensconced in a lovingly made box within a locked vault. How did it get there? Where has it been since it was first written at the beginning of the fourteenth century? And what has it seen? 

The manuscript, which contains ancient tales, poems, magic, songs, and lore, is a mystery – but if you get your hand on it, you could buy both life and reputation. 

In this unusual book intended for children and families, one of these ancient manuscripts steps into the spotlight to recount its adventures. The unexpected narrator takes the reader on a journey through time, starting in the scriptorium of a catholic monastery, travels from manors to hovels, from Iceland to Denmark and back again. The old book narrowly escapes destruction by both water and fire and has, in the end, only been slightly singed by the inferno of time.

The Inferno of Time is published when half a century has passed since the first medieval manuscripts were returned to Iceland after a centuries-long stay in Denmark. Arndís Þórarinsdóttir has written a thrilling story about the manuscript based on all available sources, adding a rich imagination so that the events come alive in the text. They are well highlighted by Sigmundar B. Þorgeirsson’s playful illustrations.

Somewhere in Reykjavík, a precious manuscript containing eleven Icelandic sagas is ensconced in a lovingly made box within a locked vault. How did it get there? Where has it been since it was first written at the beginning of the fourteenth century? And what has it seen? 

The manuscript, which contains ancient tales, poems, magic, songs, and lore, is a mystery – but if you get your hand on it, you could buy both life and reputation. 

In this unusual book intended for children and families, one of these ancient manuscripts steps into the spotlight to recount its adventures. The unexpected narrator takes the reader on a journey through time, starting in the scriptorium of a catholic monastery, travels from manors to hovels, from Iceland to Denmark and back again. The old book narrowly escapes destruction by both water and fire and has, in the end, only been slightly singed by the inferno of time.

The Inferno of Time is published when half a century has passed since the first medieval manuscripts were returned to Iceland after a centuries-long stay in Denmark. Arndís Þórarinsdóttir has written a thrilling story about the manuscript based on all available sources, adding a rich imagination so that the events come alive in the text. They are well highlighted by Sigmundar B. Þorgeirsson’s playful illustrations.


  • Year of publication


  • Original title

    Bál tímans

  • Page count


  • Original publisher


  • Original language of publication



  • The Jury of the Icelandic Literature Prize

    "An unexpected narrator takes the reader on an informative journey. Pictures bring the book to life and increase the pleasure of reading. The book tells about the main treasure of Icelandic literature in an innovative way and introduces the manuscripts to young readers."

  • Lestrarklefinn

    "The Inferno of Time is a fun read, whether it's for children or adults, it's an ideal family book, which sparks fun conversations about the past, the history of Iceland, the manuscripts and Iceland's safest vault in Árnagarðir."

Awards & Nominations


  • Icelandic Literary Prize


  • Reykjavík Children's Book Award


  • Nordic Council Children and Young People’s Literature Prize


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