Vesta-Linnéa’s Dog

Both Vesta-Linnéa and her mum dream of a cuddly little pet, and Vesta-Linnéa succeeds in convincing her to get a dog.

Vesta-Linnéa finds out everything about dogs. She then nags, argues and finally manages to convince her mother that the family should get a dog. When the family gets their pet, it’s the luckiest day in Vesta-Linnéa’s life. At first everything goes well, but what is the cause of Viktor’s, mum’s boyfriend, violent runny nose?

When it turns out that Viktor is allergic to fur and that they can’t keep the dog, it’s the saddest day in Vesta-Linnéa’s life. Then her grandmother comes to the rescue and Vesta-Linnéa’s disappointment once again turns to happiness.

In the third book about Vesta-Linnéa, Tove Appelgren describes both children’s and adults’ longing for a small soft animal to take care of and accurately describes the joys and disappointments. As with the previous books, the text is wonderfully illustrated by Salla Savolainen’s humorous and sympathetic pictures.

Both Vesta-Linnéa and her mum dream of a cuddly little pet, and Vesta-Linnéa succeeds in convincing her to get a dog.

Vesta-Linnéa finds out everything about dogs. She then nags, argues and finally manages to convince her mother that the family should get a dog. When the family gets their pet, it’s the luckiest day in Vesta-Linnéa’s life. At first everything goes well, but what is the cause of Viktor’s, mum’s boyfriend, violent runny nose?

When it turns out that Viktor is allergic to fur and that they can’t keep the dog, it’s the saddest day in Vesta-Linnéa’s life. Then her grandmother comes to the rescue and Vesta-Linnéa’s disappointment once again turns to happiness.

In the third book about Vesta-Linnéa, Tove Appelgren describes both children’s and adults’ longing for a small soft animal to take care of and accurately describes the joys and disappointments. As with the previous books, the text is wonderfully illustrated by Salla Savolainen’s humorous and sympathetic pictures.


  • Year of publication


  • Original title

    Vesta-Linnéa och gosnosen

  • Page count


  • Original publisher

    Schildts & Söderströms

  • Original language of publication


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