Celebrate Christmas with Carl & Karin Larsson’s mulled wine

09 Nov 2020

For the third year in a row, Swedish wine company Moestue has launched their popular mulled wine inspired by Carl and Karin Larsson in time for the Christmas holidays.

This mulled wine from Moestue is called “Lilla Hyttnäs”, named after the estate in Sundborn, Dalarna that Swedish artists Carl & Karin Larsson raised their family in. The family got the small house in 1888 as a gift from Karin’s father Adolf Bergöö and Lilla Hyttnäs became Karin and Carl’s joint art project where their artistic talents got an outlet in a modern and personal way. Through Carl’s paintings and books, Lilla Hyttnäs has become one of the world’s most famous artist homes.

The Lilla Hyttnäs mulled wine is inspired by Carl and Karin and has a classic scent of cardamom, clove, cinnamon, sour cherries, raisins, honey, ginger and orange zest. The taste is intense but soft with a balanced sweetness that is carried by a fresh and juicy cherries, cinnamon, cardamom and orange.

Moestue recommends that Lilla Hyttnäs is served warm with raisins, toasted almonds and some orange zest to the holiday celebrations. It’s perfect together with some homemade gingerbread with blue cheese, just as Carl and Karin served their mulled wine, or why not just with some salted almonds. In 2018 Lilla Hyttnäs was named “Årets Glögg” (Mulled wine of the year) by the wine magazine Livets Goda.


Lilla Hyttnäs is available in Sweden at Systembolaget.