“Karin and Carl Larsson” is a new documentary series available worldwide for streaming on SVT. The series consists of three hour-long episodes, telling the story of Karin and Carl’s life and their significance for history and Sweden.
One of the world’s most famous artists’ homes is located in Sundborn, Sweden. In this new SVT documentary series, we get the chance to accompany Karin and Carl Larsson’s home and take part in the unique artist environment that exists at Lilla Hyttnäs.
Several art and cultural personalities participate in the documentary, including the architect Gert Wingårdh.
“I believe that our image of Sweden today was created there. Somewhere around the end of the 19th century, the idea of what Sweden is was built. When these images came out during the building of our nation, it became sort of the idea of what Sweden can be”, Wingårdh says in one epsisode.
“They wanted to showcase what they did and how it looked, so you could say they were some kind of influencers, vintage expert Elsa Billgren says in the program.
In addition to Gert Wingårdh and Elsa Billgren, the artist Lars Lerin, the antiques expert Knut Knutson and the food expert Lotta Lundgren can be seen among others.
All episodes of “Karin and Carl Larsson” are available for streaming on SVT play.
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