The film adaptation of Tove Jansson’s beloved The Summer Book will premiere at the BFI London Film Festival in October. The news about the world premiere was accompanied by the first released photo from the film, showing 8-time Academy Award-nominated Glenn Close and debuting actress Emily Matthews.
The world premiere of the first feature film based on The Summer Book will take place at the BFI London Film Festival on 12 October. Ticket sales start on 17 September.
The film will premiere in cinemas in Tove Jansson’s native Finland on January 31st. More information about festivals and releases to follow.
Watch a scene from the movie:
Shot on location in the Finnish archipelago, the film is directed by Charlie McDowell (Windfall, The one I love). 8-times Oscar-nominated actress Glenn Close plays one of the leading roles as the grandmother, and Emily Matthews plays the little girl Sophia. This is the first film role for Matthews, who lives in Finland.
Sophia’s father is played by Anders Danielsen Lie, a Norwegian actor who has been nominated for an Academy Award for the film The Worst Person in the World. Read more about the film here.