A tribute to the Children’s Book- An exhibition featuring illustrations from beloved picture books

08 Feb 2022

The exhibition Children’s Book Illustrations at the Gallery at Hanasaari Culture Center brings together two exhibitions, one from Sweden and one from Finland. The exhibitions feature artwork from many Rights & Brands represented illustrators, including a tapestry by Mauri Kunnas from The Doghill History of Finland (Koiramäen Suomen historia). The tapestry represents the joint history between the two countries.  

The Swedish part of the exhibition is called A Tribute to The Children’s Book feature 17 illustrations that each represent one reasons why picture books are important. The exhibition features, among others: Sven Nordqvist and Stina Wirsén. Children’s Book Illustrations is produced in collaboration with The Swedish Children’s Book Academy. 

The Finnish part of the exhibition, titled The Beings of Picture Books invites the visitor to physically immerse into the world of the picture book with illustrations, prints and sketches by Jenny Lucander, Linda Bondestam and Lena Frölander-Ulf. The Beings of Picture Books is produced by All Things Content.  


Lena Frölander-Ulf and Jenny Lucander were interviewed by Yle News (TV-nytt, 7.2.2022) regarding their thoughts on the exhibition and on the importance of picture books. The interviewer asks Lena Frölander-Ulf what she thinks makes good picture book illustrations stand out:  

There, I think that what’s especially special about picture books is that they are artwork in themselves. In chapter books, it often happens that the picture often illustrates the story, so the story really manages without the pictures. But in the picture book, the pictures tell a story of their own that I think is important in some way. I have also been careful as I have worked together with other people’s tests to add something of my own as they can’t repeat each other, they must be woven together.   

The interviewer also states that it is vital to remember the importance of picture books. Jenny Lucander reflects:  

It might be the first contact you have with literature and with art in general, and art overall is very important for a small child. It is also a way to learn to read pictures, which you will actually need in today’s society: to not only be able to read text, but also read pictures. 



The exhibition will be open every day, between the 7th February and the 27th of March at Hanaholmen Culture Center. Read more about the exhibition here.