Thumbkin (Tummen) is a cartoon character created by Inger and Lasse Sandberg. Thumbkin is drawn from a thumbprint and is the main character in several books and short films for young children. Thumbkin lives with his mother in a small house in a meadow. The first book came out in 1978 and since then another 9 books has been published.
- First published 1978
- 13 books have been published about Thumbkin
- The books about Thumbkin are based on a clever idea, where an ordinary thumbprint gets legs, eyes, a nose and mouth. And it’s done – Thumbkin is ready for adventures!
- Thumbkin’s mother sews a doll for Thumbkin called Dockis. Dockis is just a regular doll when Thumbkin’s mother is around, but when Dockis and Thumbkin are alone Dockis can talk. Dockis becomes Thumbkin’s best friend.
- Music and songs available on Spotify
- The first film was produced for SVT, Children’s television in 1978
- In 2023, Thumbkin celebrated 45 years
- The film “Tummen och Tummens mamma” premiered in 2023
- Another new film to premiere in end of 2024
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